Corporate law



Consultations and document preparation for company registration


Drafting charters and other internal documents of companies (regulations, etc.)


Analysis and amendment of current charters of companies and other internal documents (regulations, etc.)


Drafting participation interest purchase and sale agreements, shares purchase and sale agreements


Drafting and amendment of supporting documents in the context of participation interest purchase and sale agreements, shares purchase and sale agreements


Services of an external corporate secretary for companies and organizations


Conducting corporate due diligence, audit of various types of effective corporate documents (charters, bylaws, regulations, etc.)


Consultations in the process of company liquidation

Court representation



Consultations on relevant strategies and steps in corporate and labor disputes


Preparation of claims, collection of evidence and other relevant documents and information


Filing claims in court, participation in court hearings in all instances


Assistance in the process of enforcing court decisions


Assistance in initiating and conducting mediation procedures in corporate and labour disputes


                   Multiple languages


    The services can be provided in the following languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English, and German. Having significant experience in working with large volumes of legal documentation, including legal translation work, allows me to serve my clients in the above-mentioned languages.

Labour law



Consultations on labour issues and labour disputes (for employers and employees)


Consultations on the implementation of types of employees engagement


Consultations on streamlining the model of organisation of labour relations in the company


Consultations on the implementation of electronic document management within the framework of labour relations


Consultations, preparation of documents for the employment or dismissal of foreign management


Consultations on interaction with the company's trade unions


Drafting internal company policies on labour issues, drafting templates for long-term use


Audit of various types of effective company documents in the field of labour relations (regulations, documents on labour protection, etc.)


Assistance to companies in applying disciplinary measures against employees


Assistance in drafting and implementing internal corporate regulations for personal data protection